| 1. | She was caught up in the movement . 她投身于反核运动。 |
| 2. | I therefore plunged into a frenetic period of intense diplomacy . 于是,我便投身于一段狂热而紧张的外交活动之中。 |
| 3. | All are stirred, all are enthused, all burn to enter the combat . 于是所有人都被激励起来,热情奔放地投身于斗争中。 |
| 4. | He took to the religious life and at first set no limit to his austerities . 他投身于宗教生活,一开始就竭力刻苦修行。 |
| 5. | Snow was the rare journalist who consciously and generously placed himself in his work . 像斯诺这样自觉自愿、落落大方地投身于本职工作的新闻记者是不多的。 |
| 6. | The four foreign ministers urged me to involve myself in this work despite all my reservations . 这四位外交部长敦促我撇开我那些保留意见而投身于这项工作。 |
| 7. | He was the son of a well-to-do tradesman, had been to college in london, and was to devote himself to business . 他是个富商的儿子,在伦敦上过大学,即将投身于商界。 |
| 8. | It is a mixed lot which enters upon the medical profession, and naturally there are some who are lazy and reckless . 投身于医生这个职业的人五花八门,各色各样自然也免不了有一些懒虫和不顾一切后果的人。 |
| 9. | Feeling intense fellowship with all human beings, she wished to throw herself into their arms, thinking that they would stretch them out to receive her . 她对所有的人怀着亲如手足的感情,她希望投身于他们的怀抱,以为他们会张开双臂接纳她。 |
| 10. | I will dedicate myself to science in the future 我将来一定要投身于科学事业。 |