抄茧片: cocoon pickup forkcocoon pressed by cocooning framepicking cocoon fork
湿抄机: lap machinepresse-patewet board formerwet machine
Example Sentences:
Wontons in chilli oil , black samurai s house speciality snack 黑武士餐坊麻辣卤味招牌小吃红油抄手。
The temple sits the north with a southern exposure , sumptuous , the whole monastery take flexible treasure palace as the center , having one pond before , two sides established to copy the hand curving corridor to round the pond to connect to the hall , special style of the formation water type sanctuary and the garden pond courtyard 寺宇坐北朝南,富丽堂皇,整个寺院以圆通宝殿为中心,前有一池,两侧设抄手回廊绕池接通对厅,形成水榭式神殿和池塘院落的独特风格。