On the other hand , by the arrangements of monsieur the provost , the mystery was to last from noon till four o ' clock , and they were obliged to say something 只是府尹大人有令,圣迹剧必须从正午演到下午四点钟,所以总得说点什么。
Once in this city with a history of about 3 , 000 years , we could not help thinking of the prosperous city scene depicted in " riverside scenes on qingming festival " , a famous traditional chinese painting by zhang zeduan of the northern song dynasty 960 - 1127 , and of the successive magistrates of the ancient city , such as ouyang xiu , kou zhun , fan zhongyan , yan shu and bao zheng , who made important contributions to the prosperity of the city 来到这座具有近3000年历史的城市,不禁令人忆起北宋清明上河图中呈现的“汴京富丽天下无”的繁荣景象忆起那为汴京繁荣作过贡献的历任府尹欧阳修寇准,范仲淹,晏殊和包拯。