| 1. | She settled down and gave birth to a son 她在那里落户并生了个儿子。 |
| 2. | Bloom embraces her tightly and bears eight male yellow and white children 布卢姆紧紧搂住她,并生下八个黄种和白种男娃。 |
| 3. | A discussion on a poetic tendency towards both elegance and popularity in the early tang dynasty 初唐丽化与俗化并生现象论析 |
| 4. | An analysis of collateral phenomenon of style of court poetry and hermetic rhythm in the early tang dynasty 初唐宫廷诗风与隐逸诗韵并生现象论析 |
| 5. | The mist , like love , plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty 薄雾,像爱情似的,在小山的心上游戏,并生出种种美丽的奇景。 |
| 6. | In those days she will be handed over , together with her royal escort and her father and the one who supported her 这女子和引导她来的,并生她的,以及当时扶助她的,都必交与死地。 |
| 7. | However many in alantean history relocated to other parts of the world and married those who were indigenous producing offspring 然而,亚特兰蒂斯历史上的许多人迁居到世界各地并与当地民族通婚并生下了后代。 |
| 8. | An interesting story between a manchurian emperor and his illegitimate daughter . . . vicki zhao wei and ruby lin became superstar after starring 乾隆皇帝东巡与一女子夏雨荷有一段露水姻缘,并生下一个女儿夏紫薇。 |
| 9. | " my father and mother were into a lifestyle of drugs and alcohol . they met that way . then they had a couple of kids and i m the oldest 她续说:我爸爸和妈妈经常酗酒吸毒,他们一直如此,并生了一男一女,我是最年长的。 |
| 10. | Perspiration , a barely avoidable human condition , also is a mosquito lure - - but only if the sweat has marinated and formed bacteria 出汗是人体不可避免的现象,但只有在汗水凝成盐卤并生出细菌的时候,对蚊子才有诱感力。 |