A common year has 354 days and a leap year has 355 days 平年有354天,闰年有355天。
A common year has 365 days and a leap year has 366 days 平年有365天,闰年有366天。
February has 29 days during leap years and 28 during common years 2月在闰年中为29天,在平年中为28天。
The hebrew calendar has 12 months during common years and 13 months during leap years 犹太历平年有12个月,闰年有13个月:
A common year can have from 353 to 355 days , depending on the placement of jewish holidays 平年可能有353到355天,具体天数取决于犹太节日的分布情况。
Nigatsu , which is equivalent to the gregorian calendar month of february , has 29 days during leap years and 28 during common years Nigatsu相当于公历中的2月,闰年中为29天,平年中为28天。
An integer from 1 through 354 in a common year , or 1 through 384 in a leap year , that represents the day of the year specified in the 一个从1到354 (在平年中)或从1到384 (在闰年中)的整数,表示
Thirty days hath september , april , june , and november ; all the rest have thirty - one , excepting february alone , and that has twenty - eight days clear and twenty - nine in each leap year 三十天,是九月,四月六月十一月;剩下都是三十一,唯一例外是十月;二十八天是平年,二十九天是闰年。
Unlike the gregorian calendar , the julian calendar defines a leap year as a year that is evenly divisible by four with no exceptions ; therefore , the calendar is inaccurate by one day every 128 years 与公历不同,儒略历将闰年定义为可被4整除的年份(没有例外) ;因此,此日历每128年就有一天的误差。平年有365天,闰年有366天。