尿血浆尿素氮浓度比率: urine to plasma urea nitrogen concentration ration
Example Sentences:
Several days later , all the soldiers and horses were cured 几天过后,全营人马的“尿血症”都治好了。
Hematuria many patients of the bph apprear bloody urine suddenly , now and then with gores 不少患有前列腺增生的老年人莫名其妙地出现了尿血,
Ma wu ' s hostler took care of three horses and one carriage . seeing that the horses were suffered from bloody urine , he was burning with impatience but could do nothing 马武将军有个马夫,分管三匹马、一辆车,整天跟车马打交道。这时,他和那三匹马全得了“尿血症” ,马夫心急似火,可又毫无办法治。
Hematuria , the important clinical appearance of disease equal to " hematuria " in traditional chinese medicine until recently , no effective drug was found in western medicine , with some effects acquired in traditional chinese medicine in this area 摘要血尿,是肾小球疾病的一个重要临床表现,属于中医学“尿血”范畴,目前西医学对本病的治疗,尚缺乏特效的药物,目前中医药对血尿的治疗已取得了一定的疗效。