| 1. | In the continental areas certain tribes would lead . 在大陆地区,某些部落曾居于领先的地位。 |
| 2. | Those without a passport must hold a valid entry permit 大陆地区人民应持有效之旅行证。 |
| 3. | Travel throughout china to meet and obtain new customers 负责中国大陆地区新销售市场和新客户的开发。 |
| 4. | Not all district courts are located in the mainland of the country 不是所有的地区法庭都位于大陆地区。 |
| 5. | A review of the criticisms of the chinese romance in the past decade 大陆地区近十年港台言情小说研究述评 |
| 6. | The registration is valid for the users located in mainland china only 该项注册仅限于中国大陆地区用户。 |
| 7. | The recent change of journalistic education system in mainland china 我国大陆地区新闻传播教育体制近期演变 |
| 8. | Compilation of heat flow data in the china continental area 3rd edition 中国大陆地区大地热流数据汇编第三版 |
| 9. | Origin and historical distribution change of peoples in southeast asia peninsula 东南亚大陆地区民族的源流与历史分布变化 |
| 10. | Local cable tv stations can also apply to relay satellite programs from the mainland 有线电视亦可申请同步转播大陆地区之卫星节目。 |