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Chinese translation for "哀牢山"

ailao shan

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ名词1.(悲伤; 悲痛) sorrow; grief; mourning 短语和例子喜怒哀乐 joy, anger, grief and happiness -- the gamut of human feeling2.(哀悼) mourning 短语和例子志哀 express one's mourning for the deceased; 默哀 stand in si
公牛哀:  gongniu ai
哀草果:  aisoka
哀哉:  alackaday
哀鸽:  mourning dove
哀威:  phil ivy
可哀:  miserably
仲哀:  chuai
哀帝:  emperor ai of jin
哀鸠:  mourning dove
Example Sentences:
1.Geochemical features and genesis of the laowanchang lateritic gold deposit in guizhou
2.Dynamics of soil inorganic nitrogen in middle mountain moist evergreen broadleaf forest under different disturbance intensities in ailao mountain
3.Dry - season dynamics of soil inorganic nitrogen pools in primary lithocarpus xylocarpus forest and degraded vegetations in ailao mountain , yunnan province
4.Lofty ailao mountain and torrential red river in yunnan province nurture an ancient and hardworking ethnic group - hani minority
5.It will prove to be meaningful in guiding the sustainable land use and the conservation of the environment in the ailao mountain . the main results were as follows : from the perspective of time succession , the type of land use in northern part of ailao mountain has undergone violent change between 1974 2003
主要研究结果为:从时间变化上看, 1974 2003年间,哀牢山北段各土地利用类型发生了很大的变化。
6.The northern part of ailao mountain , located in the middle of yunnan province , was selected as study area . based on three landsat mss / tm / etm satellite images , as well as “ 3s ” technology combining with the method of mathematical statistics , the objective of this paper was to analyze the law of spatial ( gradient , slope orientation and elevation ) and temporal changes in land use / land cover on the northern part in the periods of 1974 1987 and 1987 2003 . and analyzes land use / land cover change character in nature reserve and its meighbour region within the confine of the study area
本文选择滇中哀牢山北段作为研究区域,以1974年mss影像, 1987年tm影像和2003年etm影像为主要数据源,运用“ 3s ”技术,并结合统计分析,探讨研究区1974 1987年、 1987 2003年间土地利用的时间和空间(坡度、坡向、海拔)变化规律,并分析了研究区内的自然保护区及其周边土地利用/覆盖变化特征,以期为山地土地资源的可持续利用和生态保护等方面提供依据。
7.K - ar age of an illite from alteration rock in the contact zone around lianhuashan porphyry is 38 . 6ma . with referencing to the main metallogenic period of yulong copper metallogenic zone and of ailaoshan gold metallogenic zone , it is suggested that the time of formation of deposits in the district studied is probably in a period of time from 38 . 6ma at earliest to 20ma at latest . this time is equivalent to the origination time of two important tectonic events , i . e . , lanping movement and the turning point when ailaoshan - red river fault turned from sinisteral into dextral
获得了莲花山岩体周围接触带蚀变岩中伊利石k - ar年龄38 . 6ma ,参考玉龙铜矿带和哀牢山金矿带的主要成矿期(分别为30ma左右及26ma ) ,厘定本矿集区成矿年龄下限为38 . 6ma ,上限为20ma ,与两次重要的构造事件?兰坪运动的起始时间及哀牢山?红河断裂由左旋转为右旋的时间相当。
8.The weishan - yongping copper - gold - polymetallic mineralization district in yunnan is tectonically located in the southern part of lanping basin in the middle part of changdu - simao block between lanchangjiang fault and jinshajiang - ailaoshan fault . more than 140 deposits and occurrences of gold , copper ( cobalt ) , stibium , mercury , lead , zinc , iron etc . have been found in the area studied , and there are 4 medium - sized deposits among them
云南巍山-永平铜金多金属矿化集中区位于澜沧江大断裂与金沙江大断裂、哀牢山大断裂之间的昌都-思茅中间地块中部的兰坪盆地的南段,矿化集中区内目前已发现金、铜(钴) 、锑、汞、铅、锌、铁等各种金属矿床(点) 140处,其中达中型规模的矿床有4个。
9.Abstract : hill mourning the special and advantageous natural conditions , ailaoshan become enormous natural biological species of germplasm resources gene pool , yunnan as " animals and plants " kingdom of " natural museum " and " specimen garden , " is a variety of integrated science experiments , is the ideal many disciplines scientific investigation and research base , is the scientific expedition , adventure , photography , research and returned to the natural forest of choice for this paper , through the ailaoshan reptilia from the investigation , ailaoshan the right reptilia is a more systematic and well described
摘要:哀劳山特殊而优越的自然条件,使哀牢山成为巨大的天然生物种的种质资源的基因库,成为云南"动、植物"王国中的"天然博物馆"和"标本园" ,是多种自然科学的综合实验地,是众多学科的理想的科学考察和研究基地,是开展科考、探险、摄影、科研、回归自然、森林的首选之地,本文通过对哀牢山爬行纲的抽取调查,对哀牢山的爬行纲给出一个较系统的,完善的叙述。
10.The author suggests that the three lithosphere - scale faults , lancangjiang fault , jinshanjiang - ailaoshan fault and axis fault in the middle of the basin , are the main geological structures that control the formation of basin , magmatism and metallogenic congregate district . the anticline structure with an axis of triassic strata and the related fault system within the basin , and gonglang arch - shaped folding structure in the south of the basin are the geological structure controlling the formation of ore fields . junctions of two or more faults with different orientation , interlayer cataclastic structural zone and oxidation - reduction ( redox ) boundary were the favorable position for the formation of ore bodies
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