| 1. | Among the young ones pen became famous and popular . 在青年人中间,潘成了名流,深得人心。 |
| 2. | In the procession were all the dignitaries, civil and religious . 世俗显贵和宗教名流全都参加了游行。 |
| 3. | There were estimated to be at least a hundred bums in the city . 据估计在那座城市里至少有一百名流浪乞丐。 |
| 4. | He's on the make everywhere and cultivates all the chicago hotshots . 他现在正往上爬,到处结交芝加哥的名流。 |
| 5. | It's a rendezvous for writers, artists and all kinds of celebrities . 那是作家,艺术家和各种名流聚会的地方。 |
| 6. | Nor did every member of the intellectual elite who graced the board that evening go down in history . 光临那顿晚餐的各位名流也没有在历史上留下名字。 |
| 7. | The man of the world awoke with a sense of being lost of that world, and a dim recollection of having been called a "limit" . 名流醒来时觉得自己已经名誉扫地,同时迷迷糊糊记得被人骂做“瘪三”。 |
| 8. | The great world, from louis xvi down to the most humbly endowed of lionhunting ladies of the salons, opened its jealously guarded portals to the old man . 当时法国的上流社会,上至路易十六下至各沙龙中那些生来就会恭顺地巴结名流权势的女士们都向这位老人敞开了谨慎戒备的大门。 |
| 9. | The rise of distinguished intellectuals and its limit 名流知识分子的兴起及其限度 |
| 10. | Chinese zodiac sign of the world celebrities 请咨询世界名流们的中国十二生肖 |