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Chinese translation for "同位素年龄"

isotope age
isotopic age

Related Translations:
年龄标准身高:  height for age
同位素性质:  isotopy
同位素母牛:  isotope cow
同位素过滤:  isotope filtering
同位素污染:  isotope contamination
锿同位素:  einsteinium isotope
特制同位素:  tailored isotope
同位素分子:  isotopic molecule
同位素线:  isotope line
氧同位素:  oxygen isotopes
Example Sentences:
1.Evidence from isotopic dating suggests that the greenstone belts vary considerably in age .
2.Isotopic age of shijuli gabbro in north qilian mountain and its geological significance
3.The progeny of vocahic spurting injinningian is studied through isotopic era , which belonys to the morning of new proterozoic era
4.Additionally , the volcano action of the basin offered accurate for the paper according to isotope age measured by former depending on volcano rock
5.Based on the fossil and isotopic data , langquan formation and poziquan formation are classified into lower carboniferous , while heishishan formation and mazhuangshan formation into upper carboniferous
6.Based on the multi - shelves thermal demagnetization , magnetic test , directional analysis , the paper has drawn the paleo - latitude map and contrasted it with international standard polarity pole on the basis of the volcano rock age
7.Abstract : based on the isotopic dating data of volcanics and recent research achievements of age boundary between jurassic and cretaceous systems , it is suggested that the volcanic series in shengyuan basin must be attributed to lower cretaceous
8.This paper studies cretaceous volcanics distribution , rock types , tectonic setting and reservoir characteristics in the western depression of liaohe fault depression through statistics of compound logging data , core observation , thin section identification , cathodeluiminescence , scanning electron microscope , x - ray diffraction analysis , image analysis , rock chemical analysis , isotope age testing , and inclusions temperature testing
摘要通过全区综合录井资料的统计、大量的岩心观察,并利用薄片鉴定、阴极发光、扫描电镜、 x衍射分析、图像分析、岩石化学分析、同位素年龄测定、包裹体温度测定等10余种方法,对辽河断陷西部凹陷白垩纪火山岩分布、岩石类型、岩石系列、形成的构造背景及储层特征进行了研究。
9.C ) copper ore body surrounded iron ore body ; iron ore were interpenetrated by copper ore stringer vein , which indicated that copper form late than iron . metallogeneti age is 826 230ma , similar with the age of alkali basite and age of other copper deposit in dongchuan ore area , which belong to jinningian
黄铜矿单矿物的re - os同位素年龄研究表明其成矿年龄为826 230ma ,接近矿区碱基性岩年龄,与昆阳裂谷内其它类型铜矿成矿时代相当,均属于晋宁?澄江期; 4
10.By having conducted 40ar - 39ar dating of 35 samples and sm - nd dating of 19 samples from the linzizhong volcanic rocks , the post - collision volcanic rocks and a granite dike and the yarlung zangpo ophilite , the dissertation provides significant new data and results for optimizing the time framework of tectonic - magmatic event s of this region . according to isotopic dating of 9 samples , 12 experiments survey in the main trunk profile , the eruption age of the linzizhong volcanic rock in the linzhou basin has been determined as 54 - 64ma
本论文通过35个样品的~ ( 40 ) ar - ~ ( 39 ) ar及19个样品的sm - nd同位素测年,获得了关于俯冲?碰撞阶段形成的林子宗火山岩、后碰撞火山岩与花岗岩及雅鲁藏布蛇绿岩的同位素年龄数据,为完善研究区构造?岩浆事件的时间格架提供了新的资料与成果。
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