Process technique of candied date patterns from south 南式蜜枣煮制加工技术
Located in the kuantzuling scenic area , the piyun temple , a grade three historic site , preserves a mixture of fujianese and japanese styles 关子岭风景区的三级古迹碧云寺,为闽南式与日式的混合建筑风格。
Travelers intending to visit either of these places are advised to park outside the village and walk in . not only will you avoid the headaches of traffic and parking , you ll get a more intimate feel for the traditional minnan architecture 游客欲一窥这人称福地的祖厝,不妨先将车子停在村外,再步行进入,不但可以免去交通拥塞之苦,也能细细品味传统闽南式建筑的风情。
The architectures of jimeixue village have both the style of occident and the style of chinese tradition , which have the occidentalism body and the chinese mingnan coloured coloured glaze roof . they have many art forms including gardens , painting , sculpt and so on , which possess history value and art value and academic value 集美学村的建筑多融合西洋风格与中国传统风格,即西洋式的屋身、中国闽南式的宫式琉璃瓦屋顶,并融合了园林、绘画、雕刻等多种艺术形式,深具历史价值、艺术价值和科学价值。
A variety of scenery can be found in kuantzuling scenic area : the beautiful mirror - like waters of the paiho reservoir ; red leaf park , a great place for hiking ; lingting park with its hot springs exhibition hall ; the " spring of fire and water " shuihuo tongyuan , which has both spring waters and natural gas spouting from the same spot in side a cave ; and tahsien and piyun temples , both grade 3 historic sites , which are a must - see for temple lovers 建于清嘉庆十一年西元一八六年的碧云寺位于枕头山的半山腰,内供奉观世音菩萨,建物构造大部分保持闽南式及日式混合风格,正殿及山门的剪贴泥塑皆相当有地方色彩。而建于康熙年间的大仙寺距碧云寺三公里,寺内分为正殿观音宝殿和三宝殿,则主祀释迦牟尼。