This oriental port and fashionable waterfront city becomes more attractive when night falls 东方商埠时尚水都,华灯闪烁,流光溢彩。
Fu va company 富华灯饰公司
Oh , the mansions , the lights , the perfume , the loaded boudoirs and tables 啊,那些高楼大厦华灯香水藏金收银的闺房还有摆满山珍海味的餐桌!
After a whole day ' s stroll and when the night curtain begins to fall , you must want to find a place to relax your exhausted body 夜幕降临,华灯初放,逛了一天的你,是不是也想找个地方慰劳一下自己疲惫的身体?
Inside the great hall , lights were brightened ; the army badge " ba yi " was sparking on the stage curtain ; three armies of greetings were standing straight 人民大会堂大礼堂华灯璀璨,舞台幕布上“八一”军徽熠熠闪光,台口前三军礼兵威武伫立。
It is really a garden - like port with green woods available in four seasons , flowers in three seasons , colorful lightings , and elaborated scene spots 港区绿化、美化、亮化富有特色,成为四季常青、三季有花、华灯流溢、景点精致的花园式港口。