A recent usa today article reported that 90 million americans are functionally illiterate 最近《今日美国》有一篇文章报道说,有九千万美国人是半文盲。
Illiterate and semi - illiterate population in this table refers to the population aged 15 and over , who are unable or very difficult to read 注:本表“文盲、半文盲人口”指15岁及15岁以上不识字及识字很少人口。
For instance , it is likely that comments of this kind could be tied in with some sort of literate ( or at least , semiliterate ) programming framework 例如,这种注释也或许能够和某种文字(至少半文盲)程序框架结合。
New china holds water 50 years to come , the educational enterprise of our country had huge development , but the reason as a result of many sided , the person that still has left and right sides of nearly 20 belongs to illiteracy or semiliterate 新中国成立50年来,我国的教育事业有了极大的发展,但是由于多方面的原因,仍然有近20左右的人属于文盲或者半文盲。
Results 1 . the proportion of the aged , illiterate and handicapped and the incidence rate of chronic disease in the poorest were higher than the common . 15 % of the families were poor in the villages covered by mfa , impoverished by illness shared 86 . 7 % . comparing with the non - aided , the aged over 65 and the handicapped shared more and the rate of incidence of chronic was lower in the aided 结果1 .研究现场贫困人群中,老人、文盲半文盲、残疾人口构成和慢性病患病率均高于一般人群; mfa覆盖乡镇的贫困户占15 % ,其中因病致贫的占86 . 7 % ;特困救助组(简称救助组) 65岁以上老人、残疾人构成均高于贫困非救助组(简称非救助组) ,慢性病患病率前者低于后者。
Through the positivist investigating and analysing the human resources development in pengshui miaozu and tujia autonomous county of chongqing , the author finds the following problems : i . the human resources " quality is poor , which includes the proportion of illiteracy and semi - literacy is high ; educational background of professionals is low . ii . the human resources " structure is unreasonable , which includes the education structure and profession structure of the human resources are unreasonable . iii 通过对重庆彭水苗族土家族自治县人力资源开发的实证调查与分析,笔者发现其人力资源开发存在如下几个比较突出的问题: (一)人力资源质量偏低,其中包括文盲与半文盲比例高、从业人员受教育程度低; (二)人力资源结构不合理,其中包括从业人员教育结构不合理和行业结构不合理; (三)人力资源开发主体单一; (四)人力资源开发不充分; (五)教育开发能力不够,其中主要包括基础教育条件落后、职业教育不能满足需求、师资严重缺乏且配置不合理和高中教育相对薄弱。
The west is the regions where ethnic minorities live in compact communities . the average quality of people is very low , at the same time , the proportion of illiterate and semiliterate is very loud . it is short of the qualified scientists and technicians and economical management personnel 西部地区是我国少数民族聚居地区,人口平均素质比较低,文盲、半文盲的比例相当高,缺乏一支符合要求的科学技术队伍与经济管理队伍,以及具有较高素质的普通劳动者,人才问题成为了制约西部大开发的瓶颈因素。
Eliminate illiteracy to those have study requirement inside time limit and be not being accepted the citizen of illiteracy of of the right age , semiliterate , government office of local civil administration and the administration that are in unit , living bourg are led , ought to undertake critical education to its , persuade arouse , adopt cogent and significant step to make its accept the education that eliminate illiteracy , assure to finish what eliminate illiteracy plans what to set to eliminate illiteracy the task 对于那些在规定期限内具备学习条件而不接受扫除文盲教育的适龄文盲、半文盲的公民,当地人民政府以及所在单位、居住村镇的行政领导,应当对其进行批评教育,说服动员,并采取切实有效的措施使其接受扫除文盲的教育,保证完成扫盲规划所规定的扫除文盲任务。
In china , culture poverty in the impoverished and backward areas mainly includes such features as poor knowledge , large population of illiterates and semi literates , low desire for knowledge , being conservative , getting accustomed to out - dated life style , low interest and enthusiasm in labor and production , passive attitude of reliance on others , lack of ideal and aspiration , lack of entertainment equipment and living a dull life . it is common for our people to have out - dated ideas and narrow minds . they tend to be low , timid and loose 在中国现阶段,贫困落后地区的文化贫困主要表现为:知识贫困,文盲半文盲人口多,人们求知欲低;思维迟钝,思想保守,习惯于旧式生活方式;生产兴趣弱化,劳动积极性不高,等待、依赖心理较为明显;精神空虚,得过且过,缺乏理想和追求,没有进取精神;文化娱乐设施严重缺乏,生活单调;价值观念陈旧,观念更新极慢:情绪低落,自卑感强,行为松散。