Royal canadian mounted police workshop in colombia 皇家加拿大骑警远赴哥伦比亚举办工作坊
All parties regarded the workshop as highly successful and rcmp have been invited to return to colombia for future workshops 加拿大骑警已受邀日后再度前往哥伦比亚,举办同类的工作坊。
The four - day workshop was attended by about 45 colombian judicial police representatives and was facilitated by the rcmp through the liaison office at the canadian embassy in bogota 工作坊为期四天,约共有45名哥伦比亚司法及警务代表出席,至于协调工作,则由加拿大骑警透过驻波哥大的加拿大大使馆联络处进行。