refuse to take any payment for...; do not accept a cent; free of charge; no cash will be charged.; not to ask for a single cent; will not take a penny
Example Sentences:
He collects nothing from cases he thinks are hopeless . 如果认为治愈无望,他就分文不取。
Were nothing more than unpaid employees of the department of defense , 为国防部分文不取地工作的人是谁
Makarka now their name for makarin , he would go through fire and water for you with nothing to gain by it “马卡尔卡他们都这样称呼马卡林这个人毫无私心地愿为你赴汤蹈火,分文不取。喂,就这样清账了。 ”
When he stopped serving himself , and turned himself wholly to risking his life without pay for the liberty of all , he became truly honorable , and the father of his country 当他不再只为自己照相并且用他毕生的时间来服务人民却分文不取时,他开始变的很伟大并且成为了这个国家之父。
The ground floor of the hotel was occupied by a large bar , a sort of restaurant freely open to all passers - by , who might partake of dried beef , oyster soup , biscuits , and cheese , without taking out their purses 饭店的楼下是一个宽大的酒吧间。这种酒吧间是一种对顾客“免费”供应的冷食店。这里的肉干牡蛎汤饼干和干酪都分文不取。
He set up a little piece of poetry , which he made , himself , out of his own head - three verses - kind of sweet and saddish - the name of it was , " yes , crush , cold world , this breaking heart " - and he left that all set up and ready to print in the paper , and didn t charge nothing for it 他还写了一首小诗,是他自己发了诗兴写的一共三首是那种既甜美又带点儿悲凉的有一首诗的题目是: “啊,冷酷的世界,碾碎这颗伤透了的心吧” 。他临走前,把这首诗排好了铅字,随时可以印出,登在报上,分文不取。