Associated with the notion of the transposed matrix is its complex conjugatx known to physicists as the adjoint matrix . 跟转置矩阵记号相联系的是它的复共轭矩阵,物理学家称之为伴矩阵。
Several theorems of self - conjugate matrices over the stronger p - division rings 除环上自共轭矩阵的几个定理
Complex conjugate matrix 复共轭矩阵
It is studied factorizing a matrix over quaternion field to the product of two self - conjugate matrices . and some useful results are obtained 摘要研究了四元数矩阵分解为两个自共轭矩阵乘积,其中有一个是非奇异阵的条件,得到了一些有用的结果。