The diamands don't sparkle like those you see on a ring . 钻石并不象你在戒指上见到的那么光耀夺目。
"oh friend, honour your ancestors by honouring your country," she implored him . 她用乞求的口吻说,“啊,朋友,首先得给国家争光才能给自家光耀门庭啊。”
Lee kuan yow, prime minister of singapore, a man of singular intelligence and judgment and a true friend of the united states, interrupted a meeting of commonwealth heads of government . 新加坡总理李光耀--一个才华出众,见识过人的人,一位美国的挚友--中断了一次英联邦政府首脑会议。
The flame glowed on his silent , abstracted face 火焰光耀着他静默而沉思的脸孔。