Patients with ankylosing spondilytis are very susceptible to spine fracture even on a trivial trauma 这病例再次地提醒大家,僵直性脊椎炎患者的脊柱异常地脆弱,甚至只是轻微的创伤,都可能会导致骨折。
We present a case of ankylosing spondilytis who suffered from lower cervical spine fracture dislocation from a minor trauma 摘要我们在此报导一位僵直性脊椎炎患者,虽然遭受轻微创伤,却导致低位颈椎骨折脱臼。
The coronal approach provides wide exposure of surgical field when approaching the bilateral joints and developing the temporalis fascial flap for disc replacement . a case of ankylosing spondylitis with multiple joints ankylosis utilizing coronal approach in replacement of bilateral tmj was reported 本文报告一僵直性脊椎炎造成全身多处关节黏连,包括两侧颞颚关节黏连的病例,应用冠状切开术施行两人工颚关节置换术,获致令人满意的结果。