Chinese translation for "借酒浇愁 "
[ jièjiǔjiāochóu ] drown one's sorrows [cares] in wine; dispel melancholy by drinks; drown one's worries in drink; take to drinking to forget one's sorrows Related Translations:她会愁出病来的 : she'll worry herself into illness
借种 : mie men can an ii jie zhong
借项 : debit; charges◇借项凭单 debit memo; 借项清单 debit note
借译 : borrowing from the english language
Example Sentences: 1. He could only alleviate the sorrow by drinking . 他只能借酒浇愁 。 2. The more depressed he got , the more he turned to drink . 他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁 。 3. Some men in his blighted position would have taken to drinking . 一些人在倒霉的时候总是借酒浇愁 。 4. You can ' t drink these feelings away . - watch me借酒浇愁 愁更愁,大卫-你看好了 5. - you can ' t drink these feelings away . - watch me -借酒浇愁 愁更愁,大卫-你看好了 6. The more depressed he got , the more he turned to drink 他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁 7. Sorry to interrupt your feeling sorry for yourself 你就尽管借酒浇愁 吧 8. Hey , wes , why don t you go drown your sorrows somewhere else , okay 嘿,文斯,你干吗不到别的地方去借酒浇愁 呢? 9. Hey , wes , why don ` t you go drown your sorrows somewhere else , okay 嘿,文斯,你干吗不到别的地方去借酒浇愁 呢? 10. Who you thought was gonna take you with him to fame and fortune 一个疯子的身上,结果是竹篮打水的话你会不会借酒浇愁 ?
Similar Words: "借进" Chinese translation , "借景" Chinese translation , "借景抒情" Chinese translation , "借境脚本" Chinese translation , "借镜" Chinese translation , "借酒消愁" Chinese translation , "借据" Chinese translation , "借据 借票" Chinese translation , "借据 一年期的公债" Chinese translation , "借据, 国库券" Chinese translation