He is something like an emissary of light, something like a lower sort of apostle . 他大大小小也算是一位光明的使者,一位初级传经布道的圣徒。
13th chuen king lecture 第十三届传经讲座
Publishing the tolo theological series , the chuen king series , the pommerenke series , the good shepherd series and other theological monographs 出版吐露丛书、传经讲座系列、万伦讲座系列、牧爱丛书、神学专刊等。
Conduct public lectures related to the research of christianity , wherewith the chuen king lectureship as well as the pommerenke lectures on christianity and chinese culture with dsccc 举办基督教研究有关之公开讲座,并为崇基学院神学院之传经讲座及万伦基督教与中国文化讲座之协办单位。