| 1. | Two million american women enter the work force every year . 美国每年有200万妇女加入到劳动大军的行列中来。 |
| 2. | I didn't fear that her fool of a husband would wander up the den so late . 我不怕她那个混蛋丈夫这么晚会荡到这幽谷中来。 |
| 3. | If so, there is a case for policy devices to attract workers to the sector . 如果这样,就有理由用政策手段把工人吸引到该部门中来。 |
| 4. | Separation of the two components is accomplished by dissolving the frit in dilute nitric acid . 将玻璃料溶于稀硝酸中来完成两个组分的分离。 |
| 5. | We would do best to keep this issue in the regular forum for the moment, i suggested . 我建议,我们当前要极力坚持这个问题只能在例行的会议中来讨论。 |
| 6. | Our main purpose in this chapter is to conceptually weave some of the ideas of quantum mechanics into the fabric of optics . 这一章的主要目标,是在概念上把量子力学的一些概念引入到光学中来。 |
| 7. | Smedley and the chinese women with whom she sided on this issue had just come from the city and had little experience in the countryside . 史沫特莱和在这类问题上与她一致的那些中国妇女都刚从城市中来,对农村还缺乏了解。 |
| 8. | This view of biology and physiology as the effects of social construction came into sociology via the sociology of knowledge of berger and luckmann . 这种观点视生物因素和生理因素为社会构建的效应,它是由伯杰和卢克曼的知识社会学而带到社会学中来的。 |
| 9. | It must be used with caution, however, since words which have died out in britain sometimes survive in the u.s.a. and are finally hailed in british english as neologisms . 但是,在使用时应多加小心,因为在英国不用的词有时在美国倒仍旧使用,而后来又被当成词引进英国语汇中来。 |