责任: 1.(应做的事) duty; responsibility 短语和例子责任重大 have a grave responsibility; 负完全责任 assume full responsibility2.(应承担的过失) responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame 短语和例子推卸责任 shift the blame onto ot
Extended coverage includes your residental building and personal liability 保障范围包括楼宇结构保险及个人法律责任
Failure to do so will render the person personally liable for the whole of the tax which he was required to pay 如该人士未能照办,则须负上被规定缴付的全部税款的个人法律责任。
To include a provision that members of management committee acting in good faith shall not be held personally liable for any act done or default made by or on behalf of the oc 加入条文,订明法团管理委员会委员不会纯粹因其委员身分,而要就法团的集体决定负上个人法律责任;