| 1. | Their agreement would dramatically impact the shape of the global economy 他们的协定将大大影响世界经济格局。 |
| 2. | Along with china entering wto and developing of world economy , more and more foreign enterprise enter into china 随着我国加入wto和世界经济格局的变化,越来越多的外资企业进入到中国。 |
| 3. | It was at this time that a significant change in the world economy occurred , marked by globalisation and the rise of the knowledge - based economy 恰恰在这时候,世界经济格局发生巨大变化,主要标志是经济全球化和知识经济的崛起。 |
| 4. | In 1994 this newspaper launched a new emerging - market indicators page to mark “ a fundamental and remarkably rapid change in the balance of the world economy ” 1994年,本报发布了一个新兴市场指标页以铭记世界经济格局中那些根本的、显著的快速变化。 |
| 5. | Since the european integration started in 50s last century , it has realized the economy and the currency alliance , and becomes one of the most important economic powers in the world 欧洲一体化从上个世纪50年代启动以来,已实现经济与货币联盟,成为世界经济格局的重要力量。 |
| 6. | This thesis examines the status of developing countries and distribution of interests in the present - day international division of labor . the pattern of the present - day international division of labor is like a pyramid 以跨国公司为载体,资金、人才、技术的全球流动正深刻地改变着世界经济格局,使国际分工进入一个新阶段。 |
| 7. | And , one of the most remarkable trends of the global market is the greater and greater development of cross - border merger and acquisition ( m & a ) , which is changing the global economic situation in a faster and faster way 当前的国际市场上,最为引人瞩目的趋势之一,就是跨国并购正以越来越大的规模,越来越快的速度改变着整个世界经济格局。 |
| 8. | The zone - economics , with all kinds of effects from the enterprise or industries agglomeration , have extensively increased the circulation efficiency of economics , become an important factor working on the economic structure of the world 摘要园区经济因企业或产业集聚而带来的各种效应,广泛提高了经济运行效率,从而成为影响世界经济格局的一个重要因素。 |
| 9. | As a new kink of business model , e - international trade has a powerful life force . meanwhile it will change the traditional mode of economy and trade , and it will change the present status in the whole economy rapidly 作为一种全新的经济模式, e -国际贸易显示出强大的生命力,在全球呈现竟相发展的态势,对世界经济格局和贸易体制的变化产生了深刻的影响。 |
| 10. | They , hi - new - tech in particular , are playing a more and more important role in economic and social progress , and are having decisive and revolutionary influence on the economic structure of the world and power balance among nations 20世纪特别是近50年来,全球科技日新月异,科学技术特别是高新技术在经济社会发展中的作用日益明显,对世界经济格局和国家之间的力量对比产生了决定性和革命性的重大影响。 |