
yaqob meaning in French

yaqob d'Éthiopie


  1. King Gideon V – (1434–1468) led the revolt against the emperor Zara Yaqob.
    Le roi Gédéon V (1434-1468) : dirige la révolte contre l'empereur Zara Yaqob.
  2. Despite its historical importance, none of the buildings Emperor Zara Yaqob built exist today, and no obvious 19th century construction is visible.
    Malgré leur importance historique, aucun des édifices que l'empereur Zara Yaqob fit construire n'a survécu.
  3. One exception to this rule was Debre Berhan, founded by Zara Yaqob in 1456; Tegulet in Shewa was also essentially the capital during the first century of Solomonic rule.
    Seules exceptions Debre Berhan, fondée par Zara Yaqob en 1456 et Tégoulet dans la province de Shewa qui fut la capitale au cours du XIIIe siècle, premier siècle de la domination salomonide.
  4. The body of Yekuno Amlak is interred in the monastery of St. Stephen on Daga Island; other Emperors whose tombs are on Daga include Dawit I, Zara Yaqob, Za Dengel and Fasilides.
    D'autre part, le corps de Yekouno Amlak repose au monastère Saint-Estefanos sur l'île de Dega, qui abrite également les tombeaux de Dawit Ier, Zara Yaqob, Zè Denguel et Fasiladès.

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