
foredoomed meaning in French

adj. condamné d'avance, voué d'avance (à l'échec, à la perte, etc.)


  1. He characterized the movement as "an unsympathetic historical phenomenon, a movement foredoomed to failure, which soon became a burden to itself".
    Il qualifia ce mouvement de « phénomène historique peu sympathique, mouvement voué à l'échec et qui est rapidement devenu un fardeau pour lui-même ».
  2. The Babylonian kings are often mentioned together as forming a succession of impious and tyrannical monarchs who oppressed Israel and were therefore foredoomed to disgrace and destruction.
    Ces trois rois de Babylone sont souvent présentés ensemble comme formant une succession de monarques impies et tyranniques oppressant Israël, entraînant ainsi leur disgrâce et destruction.
  3. The writings of Irving published during his lifetime were: For the Oracles of God, Four Orations (1823) For Judgment to come (1823) Babylon and Infidelity foredoomed - A Discourse on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse which relate to these latter times, and until the Second Advent (1826, 2nd ed.
    Œuvres d'Irving publiées pendant sa vie : For the Oracles of God, Four Orations (1823) For Judgment to come (1823) Babylon and Infidelity foredoomed - A Discourse on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Acopalypse which relate to these latter times, and until the Second Advent (1826, 2nd ed.
  4. By the same token, however, the antifoundationalist hope of escaping local situations through awareness of the contingency of all such situations—through recognition of the conventional/rhetorical nature of all claims to master principles—that hope is to Fish equally foredoomed by the very nature of the situational consciousness, the all-embracing social and intellectual context, in which every individual is separately enclosed.
    Pareillement cependant, l'« espoir » anti-fondationnaliste d'échapper à des situations particulières grâce à la conscience de la contingence de toutes ces situations - par la reconnaissance de la nature conventionnelle/rhétorique classique de toutes les revendications à maîtriser des principes - cet espoir est aux yeux de Fish également voué à l'échec par la nature même de la conscience de la situation et du contexte social et intellectuel globalisant dans lequel chaque individu est enfermé séparément.

Related Words

  1. foredeck
  2. foredoom
  3. forefather
  4. forefeel
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