
预计开支 meaning in Chinese

anticipated expenditure


  1. The estimated staff cost and other expenses involved in providing the services in items ( 1 ) to ( 8 ) above in 2004 - 05 is $ 8 million . as items ( 9 ) and ( 10 ) are part of the overall objectives of cad , there is no separately dedicated estimated expenditure
    在2004 - 05年度,以上1至8项的工作预计开支为$ 800万元;而9至10项则是民航处整体工作目标之一,故没有特别划分预算开支。
  2. Fc approved a supplementary provision of 35 million under head 92 department of justice subhead 243 " hire of legal services and related professional fees " as the original provision was insufficient to meet anticipated expenditure for the rest of the financial year
    由于原来拨款不足以应付本财政年度馀下数月的预计开支,财委会批准在总目92 "律政司"分目243 "雇用法律服务及有关的专业费用"项下追加拨款3 , 500万元。
  3. Fc approved a supplementary provision of $ 35 million under head 92 department of justice subhead 243 " hire of legal services and related professional fees " as the original provision was insufficient to meet anticipated expenditure for the rest of the financial year
    由于原来拨款不足以应付本财政年度馀下数月的预计开支,财委会批准在总目92 "律政司"分目243 "雇用法律服务及有关的专业费用"项下追加拨款3 , 500万元。

Related Words

  1. 预计法
  2. 预计存量
  3. 预计弹道
  4. 预计利息
  5. 成本预计
  6. 预计完工
  7. 预计收入
  8. 预计编制
  9. 日用开支
  10. 预计销售利润
  11. 预计开卸时间
  12. 预计开卸时间预计开卸时间
  13. 预计开装时间
  14. 预计开装时间预计开装时间
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