
雾角 meaning in Chinese

horn.(horn) fog horn
reed horn


  1. Mostly he would not speak when spoken to ; only look up sudden and fierce , and blow through his nose like a fog - horn ; and we and the people who cam about our house soon learned to let him be

Related Words

  1. 雾银
  2. 夕雾
  3. 雾季
  4. 霜雾
  5. 雾社
  6. 岸雾
  7. 雾香
  8. 雾室
  9. 雾烟
  10. 辐射雾
  11. 雾检测器
  12. 雾件
  13. 雾角(雾中警号);粗而响的噪音。
  14. 雾角浮标
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