
隆礼 meaning in Chinese

long le


  1. Zunzi , a famous confucian thinker in the warring state period , founded the thoughts of reigning by both virtues and law termed as " advocating rites and emphasizing law " based on his belief of " evil human nature "

Related Words

  1. 张礼
  2. 礼乐
  3. 海礼
  4. 牟礼
  5. 拜占庭礼
  6. 执礼
  7. 礼子
  8. 礼弼
  9. 洒水礼
  10. 忏悔礼
  11. 隆雷
  12. 隆里
  13. 隆利岛
  14. 隆利矿区
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