
销货退回 meaning in Chinese

return sales,sales return
returned sales
sale return
sales return


  1. Sales returns and allowances
  2. Returns inwards book
  3. Introduce the different types of contra - asset accounts related to accounts receivable : allowance for doubtful accounts ( " ada " ) , allowance for returns , and deferred income liability
    介绍与应收款项相关的各类资产备抵科目:备抵可疑帐户( ada ) ,备抵销货退回,以及递延所得。
  4. Net sales of the quarter : the total amount computed based upon the sale price of product or commodity in the quarter ( net of sales returns and sales discounts and allowances )
    本季销售(销货)收入净额:填写本季度内,按照产品、商品的实际销售价格所算出的货币资金总额(不包括销货退回、销货折让) 。

Related Words

  1. 国外销货退回
  2. 销货让价
  3. 销货条件
  4. 销货知识
  5. 高质量销货
  6. 销货发票
  7. 销货帐
  8. 销货收入
  9. 销货账
  10. 销货比率
  11. 销货损益
  12. 销货条件
  13. 销货退回报告
  14. 销货退回簿
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