
金属晶格 meaning in Chinese

metal lattice


  1. The reasons were about to the distortion of crystalline grain of metal , caused by cold - working , and size - effect of the fibers
  2. Sodium fluoride destroys metal crystalline grain , forming the small cellular structure , it convenient for membrane imbed among them
  3. In low - temperature superconductors , the crucial interaction among the electrons is mediated by vibrations of the metal ' s lattice of positive ions

Related Words

  1. 晶格参数
  2. 基体晶格
  3. 晶格弯曲
  4. 晶格扩散
  5. 复杂晶格
  6. 晶格紊乱
  7. 晶格放大
  8. 子晶格
  9. 晶格松弛
  10. 晶格掺杂
  11. 金属进展
  12. 金属浸渍石墨
  13. 金属晶格动力学
  14. 金属晶体
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