通用的名称 meaning in Chinese
a current name
- The jms - specific elements have been replaced by a set of generic name - value pairs known as the
特定于jms的元素已经被一组通用的名称-值对替代,这个名称-值对叫作 - That little " a " with a circle curling around it that is found in email addresses is most commonly referred to as the " at " symbol
然而令人感到惊奇的是,这一标记居然没有官方的,通用的名称。有几十个奇怪的术语用来描绘@这一符号。 - Surprisingly though , there is no official , universal name for this sign . there are dozens of strange terms to describe the @ syol
然而令人感到惊奇的是,这一标记居然没有官方的,通用的名称。有几十个奇怪的术语用来描绘@这一符号。 - Surprisingly though , there is no official , universal name for this sign . there are dozens of strange terms to describe the @ symbol
然而令人感到惊奇的是,这一标记居然没有官方的,通用的名称。有几十个奇怪的术语用来描绘@这一符号。 - Surprisingly though , there is no official , universal name for this sign . there are doze of strange terms to describe the " @ " symbol
然而令人感到惊奇的是,这一标记居然没有官方的,通用的名称。有几十个奇怪的术语用来描绘“ @ ”这一符号。