
这就是爱情 meaning in Chinese

so this is love
this is love


  1. You ' re so far away but seem so close . could it be love
  2. It was love now , keen and strong - love enhanced by difficulty and worry
  3. The water was very hot , the cup felt himself melting , he thought it may be the magic of love
  4. Don ' t waste your time on a man / woman , who isn ' t willing to waste their time on you
    “不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 ”这就是爱情为什么是自私的主要原因!
  5. And then , becoming aware of the heights of exquisite sensibility he attained , he decided that this was love and that love was the greatest thing in the world
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Related Words

  1. 就是结论
  2. 就是天堂
  3. 就是爬
  4. 就是一个
  5. 我就是
  6. 是就是
  7. 那就是
  8. 人生就是这样
  9. 时间就是生命
  10. 团结就是力量
  11. 这就是爱,在十二月的月末
  12. 这就是爱吗
  13. 这就是当时的习惯
  14. 这就是底价
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