
超弦理论 meaning in Chinese

superstring theory
the string theory
the theory of everything


  1. What about time & timelines of possibility
  2. Once again , our views on spacetime encountered a revolutionary change
  3. The putting forward of the superstring theory was the dawn of hope for the deadlock
  4. The theory not only reconciles the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics , but also made them complementary to each other
  5. Lets take a brief look at the intricate relationship among special and general theory of relativity , quantum mechanics , superstring theory and unified field theory using the two examples of light speed and space - time
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  5. 弦弹性模量
  6. 弦分力
  7. 风琴弦
  8. 弦间
  9. 弦吾
  10. 底弦
  11. 超弦
  12. 超弦理
  13. 超显微
  14. 超显微柄毒
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