
费恩历险记 meaning in Chinese

the adventures of huckleberry finn


  1. He has rightly praised "huckleberry finn", and mark twain's great incidental achievement, in it and his another work, of creating a prose-style suited to the american ethos .
  2. Like “ huckleberry finn ” , “ the catcher in the rye ” is a coming - of - age novel
  3. Holden caulfield , the central character in “ the catcher in the rye ” , has been compared with huckleberry finn , mark twain ' s naive adolescent runaway in the novel of the same name
    《麦田守望者》的中心人物霍尔顿,时常被拿来与哈克贝利?费恩马克吐温的同名小说(中译本为《哈可贝利?费恩历险记》 )中那名天真无邪的少年脱缰之马做比较。
  4. Mark twain ( 1835 - 1910 ) , american famous author and humorist who drew on his childhood along the mississippi river to create masterpieces of humor and sarcasm , including tom sawyer ( 1876 ) and the adventures of huckleberry finn ( 1884 )
    马克?吐温( 1835 - 1910 ) ,美国著名的幽默作家,他曾回顾其密西西比河边的童年时光,创作了杰出的幽默和讽刺小品,包括《汤姆?索亚历险记》 ( 1876年)和《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》 ( 1884年) 。
  5. When be wrote the adventures of tom sawyer and the adventures of huckleberry finn , mark twain turned hannibal , missouri ? which he later described as a “ white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer ' s morning ” ? into an american literary mecca
    当马克?吐温撰写《汤姆?索亚历险记》和《哈克贝里?费恩历险记》时,他把密苏里的汉尼堡变成了美国文学的圣地(后来他描写它如同一座“沐浴在夏日清晨阳光照射下安宁的小镇” ) 。

Related Words

  1. 历险记
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  3. 牧场历险
  4. 非洲历险
  5. 终极历险
  6. 史前历险
  7. 熊山历险
  8. 下水道历险记
  9. 熊的历险
  10. 小人物历险记
  11. 费恩里评论
  12. 费恩里奇水库
  13. 费恩利
  14. 费恩隆德
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