
货真价实 meaning in Chinese

1.(货非冒牌, 价钱实在) genuine goods at a fair price; goods genuine and price reasonable; genuine goods and fixed prices; honest prices and goods; excellent goods at reasonable; quality goods at bargain prices.: 货真价实,是商店唯一的道德。 the only moral tenet governing the conduct of business in the shop was that the goods should be genuine and the price fair.
2.(地道的) through and through; out-and-out; dyed-in-the-wool 短语和例子


  1. They're as good americans as i am .
  2. It is a complete hurricane !
  3. You have got a real trouble-maker in wilkins .
  4. It was a veritable barbecue, a crude and primitive feasting .
  5. Your bringing-up was different from mine; mine was a real thing, by george !
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Related Words

  1. 货真价实的狗
  2. 货真价实的标志
  3. 货真价实的骗子
  4. 货真价实的蜘蛛人
  5. 货站
  6. 货站场
  7. 货真价实的标志
  8. 货真价实的狗
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