
课程提纲 meaning in Chinese

course syllabus


  1. Control that displays a table that contains the class syllabus
  2. What has to be learnt is rigidly , laid down by a syllabus , so the student is encouraged to memorize
  3. A short discussion of risks / mitigation plans and your group ' s schedule ( constrained by the syllabus of course ) would be important as well
    对计划风险/ (风险)降低和小组的进度表(受课程提纲的限制)的简短讨论也很重要。
  4. As you know ( from the syllabus ) , the course grade will be given on the basis of problem sets - - - containing problems of two types : regular and special
    课程提纲可知,本课程评分是以问题集为根据- - - -包括两种类型的问题:普通型和特殊型。
  5. Note : no formal calendar was created for sts . 092 , which met weekly for two hours in a seminar / discussion format as described in the syllabus document
    注意:没有为sts . 092课程制定正式的教学时间表。正如在课程提纲中所描述的那样,本课程以研讨会/讨论会的形式,每周师生相聚二小时。
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Related Words

  1. 提纲机器
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  7. 概况课程
  8. 传统课程
  9. 短期课程
  10. 学分课程
  11. 课程双语教学初探
  12. 课程四班
  13. 课程题目
  14. 课程统整
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