
角鹿 meaning in Chinese



  1. The park is also home to many different types of wildlife , including black and grizzly bear , moose , golden and bald eagle , bighorn sheep , mountain goat , and whitetail and mule deer
  2. Parallax stalks behind and goads them , the lancinating lightnings of whose brow are scorpions . elk and yak , the bulls of bashan and of babylon , mammoth and mastodon , they come trooping to the sunken sea , lacus mortis
    角鹿与牦牛,巴珊238与巴比伦之公牛,猛犸象与柱牙象,均成群结队涌向下陷之海死海239 。
  3. A new survey published by the british deer society shows that the six species of deer have now spread across almost the entire coutry , with muntjact , roe and fallow deer being particularly widespread
  4. A full day tour of the park has been arranged for you , featuring the yellowstone canyon , waterfalls , hot springs , geysers and active volcanoes . the park is also a sanctuary for many wild animals and birds

Related Words

  1. 鹿拉车
  2. 鹿太
  3. 鹿二
  4. 谷鹿
  5. 鹿沼
  6. 冈鹿
  7. 鹿斑纹
  8. 鹿户
  9. 鹿大
  10. 巨鹿
  11. 角楼,旋转的炮塔或机枪座
  12. 角炉篦
  13. 角绿藻属
  14. 角轮
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