西爪哇 meaning in Chinese
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java barat
propinsi djawa barat
west java
- Polio in indonesia
印尼西爪哇爆发脊髓灰质炎 - Toti , a five - day - old male baby orangutan ( pongo pygmaeus ) from borneo , lies at an animal hospital in taman safari park in bogor , west java august 9 , 2005
出生才满5天的婆罗洲红毛猩猩躺在印尼西爪哇的动物医院里。 - The dh also reminded travellers to indonesia to be vigilant against polio following report of outbreaks in west java , central java and sumatra since march this year
另外,由于自今年三月印尼西爪哇、中爪哇及苏门达腊出现小儿麻痹症个案, ?生署呼吁前往印尼的旅客提高警惕。 - The centre for health protection of the department of health today july 7 , 2005 called on travelers to indonesia to be vigilant against poliomyelitis polio following report from the world health organization that more than 110 such cases occurred in west java , central java and sumatra since march this year
旅游印尼应提高警惕预防小儿麻痹症鉴于世界卫生组织报道印尼自今年三月在西爪哇中爪哇及苏门达腊出现超过110宗小儿麻痹症个案,卫生署卫生防护中心今日七月七日呼吁前往印尼的旅客提高警惕预防小儿麻痹症。 - The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health ( dh ) today ( july 7 ) called on travellers to indonesia to be vigilant against poliomyelitis ( polio ) following report from the world health organization ( who ) that more than 110 such cases occurred in west java , central java and sumatra since march this year
鉴于世界?生组织报道印尼自今年三月在西爪哇、中爪哇及苏门达腊出现超过110宗小儿麻痹症个案, ?生署?生防护中心今日(七月七日)呼吁前往印尼的旅客提高警惕预防小儿麻痹症。