
表面生长 meaning in Chinese

superficial growth


  1. Epiphyte any plant growing upon or attached to another plant or object merely for physical support
  2. The frosting of air cooler is owed to the joint effects of surface growth of frost and deposition of floating ice crystal ; 2
  3. Layered structure has been found ( or could be deduced ) upon the tem observations from both cross section view and plane view specimens
  4. The charter i introduced the schematics of the experimental setup , the model of pulsed laser ablating solid target ( s - n model ) and the subplantation model for film growing proposed by y . lifshitz
    第一章简要介绍了实验装置、激光烧蚀固体靶的s - n模型和y . lifshitz提出的次表面生长模式。
  5. " this may be due to the fact that the melanoma arose on a hair - bearing surface or arose in association with a nevus with hair without causing destruction of the hair follicles , " the investigators say
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Related Words

  1. 地面生长
  2. 生长评价
  3. 变速生长
  4. 边缘生长
  5. 生长预测
  6. 生长条件
  7. 生长相关性
  8. 生长螺纹
  9. 连续生长
  10. 生长介质
  11. 表面声压级
  12. 表面声子
  13. 表面生成
  14. 表面升力分布
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