蛱蝶 meaning in Chinese
a kind of butterfly harmful to crop plants; vanessa
- It sought the path of the butterfly
它寻求蛱蝶走的道路。 - But the flying fauna - birds , butterflies , and dragonflies are much more easily seen by countryside lovers
此外还有蛱蝶弄蝶和灰蝶,每类各有50多个品种。 - Electrical response of lamina ganglion in vanessa cardui and pieris rapae to light stimulation on compound eye
光刺激蛱蝶和菜粉蝶复眼引起的视神经节层电生理反应 - 2 . the assessing of endangered degree of some species there are many endangered species in this gully and the critically endangered species include papilio epycides , meandrusa scrion , sasakia funebris . sasakia charonda , chilasa clytia ; the endangered species include papilio alcmenor , papilio bootes , papilio polyctor , byasa plutonius , chilasa epycides , chitoria pallas , jimelaea maculata , helcyra superba , stichophthalma howqua , and the vulnerable species include byasa polyeutes , pazala tamerlanta , pazala mandarina , pamassius latreille , graphium scopoli , funis aepope . 3