蓝孔雀 meaning in Chinese
blue peafowl
indian peafowl
otopharynx lithobates
pavo cristatus
- O . lithobates males undergo a really spectacular morphology change as they mature
金头蓝孔雀的从亚体到成熟会经历一个非常精彩的形态转变。 - This is a haplocrhomine ( a . k . a . " hap " ) predator , which feeds mostly on crustaceans and insects
金头蓝孔雀的从亚体到成熟会经历一个非常精彩的形态转变。 - This fish has been sold erroneously under the name aristochromis christyi , which is really a very different fish
金头蓝孔雀体侧有明显的3个黑色斑块,不过在雄性鱼的变色后,这些板块会隐匿在深蓝色之下。 - All otopharynx have three characteristic dark spots on the flank , but these eventually become completely masked by the dark blue breeding coloration of males