范围法 meaning in Chinese
area method
- Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - velocity area methods - method using pitot static tubes
封闭管道内液体流量测量.第2部分:速度范围法.第1节:皮托静压管法 - Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - velocity area methods - method of measurement of velocity at one point of a conduit of circular cross section
封闭管道内液体流量测量.第2部分:速度范围法.第2节:管道横截面某一点的流速测量方法 - Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - velocity area methods - method of measurement of clean water flow using current meters in full conduits and under regular flow conditions
封闭管道内液体流量测量.第2部分:速度范围法.第4节:正常流动条件下利用全流动导管中的流量计测量清洁水流量的方法 - Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - velocity area methods - methods of flow measurement in swirling or asymmetric flow conditions in circular ducts by means of current - meters or pitot static tubes