
舅子 meaning in Chinese

[口语] wife's brother ; brother-in-law


  1. My brother - in - law is a reporter on the new york times staff
  2. I have already given two cousins to the war , and i stand ready to sacrifice my wife ' s brother
  3. But though he believed so implicitly that he was king of naples , and sympathised with his subjects grief at losing him , after he had been commanded to return to the service , and especially after his interview with napoleon at danzig , when his most august brother - in - law had said , i have made you king that you may rule in my way , and not in your own , he had cheerfully resumed his familiar duties ; and , like a well - fed , but not over - fed stallion feeling himself in harness , prancing in the shafts , and decked out in all possible motley magnificence , he went galloping along the roads of poland , with no notion where or why he was going
    尽管他坚信他是那不勒斯王,对即将与之离别的臣民的悲伤觉得抱歉,但最近,在他奉命又回军队之后,特别是在丹泽ohisut见到拿破仑之后,当至尊的舅子对他说: “ je vous ai fait roi pour rgner ma manire , mais pas la voatre ” ,他愉快地从事起他熟悉的事业,像一匹上了膘,但却长得不太肥的马,感到自己被套起来,在车辕中撒欢,并打扮得尽可能的华贵,欢欢喜喜,得意洋洋地沿着波兰的大道奔跑,而自己却不知道何处去和为什么。

Related Words

  1. 舅母
  2. 舅娘
  3. 咎岗
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