
自费留学 meaning in Chinese

go to study abroad at one's own expense
self-supporting study abroad
study abroad at one's own expense


  1. On sichuan educational loan system for self - funded abroad study in
  2. Of course , home is annual public school student studying abroad is quite finite , it is to study abroad at one ' s own expenses mostly , nevertheless , more chinese student union choose to apply for the fellowship of foreign university first , go reading again this kind of means , especially american university , fellowship is enough of the life of a student and study with , still can send one part to go back to the motherland
  3. At first , the paper studies the developing history of studying abroad education and the characteristic educated in every period that is both at home and abroad , and then surveys the content and current situation of studying abroad in china . it also analyses the existing problem and the demand of the management information system in managing at present . it proposes to cancel the study expenses , which is paid by theirselves , and reinforce the supporting of going abroad to study and improve the regression and the level of decision of coming back from abroad
  4. Application intermediary serves the orgnaization of business to ought to sign up for sent material to have when offerring application : ( 1 ) requisition ; ( corporate organization proves 2 ) ; ( the resume of 3 ) legal representative , main staff member and concerned proof , place of orgnaization constitution , office and office facilities prove ; ( 4 ) has legal effectiveness with what foreign institution of higher learing or other education orgnaization sign directly study abroad at one ' s own expenses cooperative intent book or agreement ( medium , foreign language this ) , and the foreign autograph of attestation of the diplomatic and consular missions outside be stationed in via our country makes an appointment with square corporate organization proof ; ( 5 ) asset proof or accountant office issued check endowment report ; ( area of the working plan that 6 ) drafts to begin intermediary to serve , administration and feasibility report
    申办中介服务业务的机构在提出申请时应当报送的材料有: ( 1 )申请书; ( 2 )法人资格证实; ( 3 )法定代表人、主要工作人员的简历和有关证实,机构章程、办公场所及办公设施证实; ( 4 )与国外高等院校或其他教育机构直接签署的有法律效力的自费留学合作意向书或协议(中、外文本) ,以及经我国驻外使领馆认证的国外签约方的法人资格证实; ( 5 )资产证实或会计师事务所出具的验资报告; ( 6 )拟开展中介服务的工作计划、行政区域及可行性报告。

Related Words

  1. 自费
  2. 自费走读生
  3. 自费学习
  4. 自费学生
  5. 自费出版
  6. 自费旅游
  7. 自费旅行
  8. 自费研究生
  9. 自费走读
  10. 自费电话
  11. 自费的晚餐
  12. 自费电话
  13. 自费留学生
  14. 自费旅行
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