脾肾韧带 meaning in Chinese
ligamentum lienorenale
- Results : there were 10 patients ( 41 . 7 % ) whose adhesion around thd spleen was separated by force with bleeding endlessly and 8 patients ( 33 . 3 % ) whose ligaments of the spleen and kidney were separated bluntly by hand with massive haemorrhage
结果: 24例中脾切除术病人中强行分离脾周围粘连造成出血不止者10例,占41 . 7 % ( 10 / 24 ) 、盲目用手钝分离脾肾韧带造成大出血8例,占33 . 3 % ( 8 / 24 ) 、胃短血管撕裂3例,脾蒂过短,强行向外托出脾脏时用力过大撕裂脾蒂2例,脾蒂钳滑脱1例。