
脊点 meaning in Chinese

crest point


  1. Sea - ice of hudson bay in key time interval has negative relationship with index of asian summer monsoon , positive relationship with the western subtropical ridge in west pacific in august , and negative relationship with the intensity of the west pacific subtropical in august
  2. ( 2 ) another interesting phenomenon is founded that the center of south asia high in the upper level of troposphere is stabile and nearly motionless during the processes of the westward extension of western pacific subtropical high , but its eastern ridge strengthens and extends eastward remarkably because of the anticyclone moves westward over the southeast japan , which may lead to the westward extension of subtropical high in the middle level of troposphere . ( 3 ) in the low level of troposphere , the north australia cold air activity plays an important role on the westward extension of subtropical high
    ( 2 )本文在研究副高西伸过程中指出,高层200hpa上日本东南部的高压并入南亚高压,导致南亚高压脊的增强发展,对低层500hpa上副高的加强、西伸可能起到引导的作用;同时,对流层低层850hpa上孟加拉湾槽在副高西伸过程中加深,并在西伸脊点到达最西点的前4天强度达到最强,这为预报西太平洋副高的活动提供了参考。
  3. When the spatial pattern is of the north - south asymmetry , in the warm north - cold south years , there is a anticyclone circulation existing over the warm pool at 850hpa , easterly at 15 n and westerly in the tropical region have been greatly strengthened , while the center of anticyclone circulation moves to the east asia at 200hpa , and the hadley circulation has been affected evidently , so the summer rainfall may be above normal in the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river , vice versa . there are different relations to east asia atmospheric circulation and summer rainfall in china
    当ssta为南北半球反对称分布时,与ssta北暖南冷分布相对应, 850hpa暖池区上空为一反气旋偏差环流, 15 n附近东风气流和赤道附近西风气流增强,长江中下游地区盛行偏南风气流; 200hpa反气旋偏差环流中心移到东亚大陆上空;副热带高压强度、西伸脊点都明显变强、西伸; hadley环流得到发展,长江中下游(华北)地区为上升(下沉)气流,降水明显增多(减少) ,北冷南暖年则相反。
  4. This paper uses the monthly mean ncep / ncar reanalysis data of 100hpa height field and so on , choose the longitude of east ridge point of 16760gpm line on 100hpa height field during summer ( june - july - august ) as the eastward index of south asia high ( sah ) to build a 50 - yr ( l951 - 2000 ) series of eastward index of sah
    本文利用ncep ncar再分析月平均100hpa高度场等资料,以夏季( jja ) 100hpa高度场上16760位势米线东脊点经度作为夏季南亚高压东伸指数建立了50年( 1951 ? 2000年)夏季南亚高压东伸指数年际系列。
  5. ( 2 ) sxsp anomaly is closely related to the abnormity of 500hpa geopotential height field over the east of ural and yakutsk area , western ridge point and area of subtropical high , the cold air abnormity from north of china and the position of upper level westerly jet over east asia
    ( 2 )三峡库区夏季降水异常与大气环流异常密切相关:与500hpa乌拉尔山以东高度场异常、雅库茨克以东高度场异常、副热带高压面积及西伸脊点、北方冷空气异常、 200hpa东亚高空西风急流位置异常偏南(偏北)密切相关。

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  11. 脊刀蛤属
  12. 脊的
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  14. 脊顶
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