
能力加值 meaning in Chinese

competence bonus


  1. It provides a + 5 competence bonus on its wearer ' s move silenty checks
    穿戴者的潜行检定获得+ 5能力加值
  2. While wearing blueshine armor , you gain a + 3 competence bonus on hide checks
    穿戴“莹蓝”铠甲时,你的隐藏技能可以达到+ 3的能力加值
  3. She receives a + 4 competence bonus on saving throws against all compulsions and mind - affecting effects
    他在对抗任何胁迫和影响心灵效果的豁免上有+ 4能力加值
  4. She also receives a + 2 competence bonus on saving throws against psionic attack modes , which stacks with any bonus granted by raising a psionic defense mode , if any
    他同时在对抗心灵攻击模式的豁免上有+ 2能力加值,这个加值可以和心灵防御模式带来的加值累计。
  5. This armor is well - oiled mnd magically constructed , so not only is it nearly silent , it also dampens surrounding sounds . it provides a + 5 competence bonus on its wearer ' s move silenty checks
    蹑行:在润滑剂和魔法的辅助下,这件护甲不但几乎不会发出声音,甚至还能稍微降低四周的音量。穿戴者的潜行检定获得+ 5能力加值

Related Words

  1. 能力集
  2. 能力及性
  3. 能力检查
  4. 能力鉴定测验
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