羊二庄 meaning in Chinese
- Address : yangerzhuang town , huanghua city , hebei province , china
地址:黄骅市羊二庄镇 - Add : yangerzhuang town , huanghua city , hebei province , china , 061109
版权所有@黄骅桑田化工有限公司地址:河北省黄骅市羊二庄镇 - The position is predominant , 307 , 205 and 104 national highway , shigang expressway , jingfu expressway , shuohuang railway and jinghu railway are near at hand . huanghua port is on the east and tianjin port is 140km faraway on the north . tens of large - scale and middle - scale chemical industry corporations have already entered the development zone and the chlorine - sodium hydroxide , resin , dye chemical and fine chemical industries have already developed into the relative mature industrial chains
座落于美丽的渤海之滨,沧州临港经济技术开发区南侧-黄骅市羊二庄镇,地理位置优越, 307 205 , 104国道,石港高速京福高速朔黄铁路京沪铁路,近在咫尺,东临黄骅港,北距天津港140公里,开发区内现已进驻数十家大中型化工企业,氯碱树脂染化精化已发展为较成熟的产业链