
编码符号 meaning in Chinese

code symbol
coded character
coded identification


  1. Binary coded character
  2. C2dvlc employs context - based adaptive multiple table coding to exploit the statistical correlation between dct coefficients of one block for higher coding efficiency
  3. From its realization , the local short - delay interconnection method , the coding symbol synchronization method of multidimensional tcm , and the reliable receiving structure of high - speed dada are advanced
  4. Target audience distribution list ; internet posting ; paper copies in libraries ; distribution of electronic version through email ; using tags quick finders , colour coding , symbols , dividers , report map in the report ; executive summary , etc
  5. Consider : target audience distribution list ; internet posting ; paper copies in libraries ; distribution of electronic version through email ; using tags quick finders , colour coding , symbols , dividers , report map in the report ; executive summary , etc

Related Words

  1. 编码
  2. 空间编码
  3. 编码位置
  4. 字符编码
  5. 分量编码
  6. 标记编码
  7. e编码
  8. 编码胶卷
  9. 编码规则
  10. 密集编码
  11. 编码分类
  12. 编码风格
  13. 编码副作用
  14. 编码覆盖
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