
维修信息管理 meaning in Chinese

maintenance information management


  1. Maintenance information management
  2. As a practical project from changzhou marine cable co . ltd , the equipment function analysis and the development of maintenance information management system ( emims ) were researched in this paper
  3. For long times , most of the airlines are still in the primitive stage of manual management on maintenance information . especially in the work of troubleshooting on the civil aircraft , there are difficulties of efficient engineering information support in the field of the airport . therefore , the delays of the flights always happen , and it cost big loss of money to the airlines
    在参照美国军方最新提出的飞机维修数字化技术方案,针对国内民机维修信息管理中存在的问题,结合中国东方航空武汉有限公司的具体工程需求与实践,本文提出一种新的民机维修信息支持系统? ?数字化综合维修支持信息系统。

Related Words

  1. 维修
  2. 航空维修
  3. 线路维修
  4. 工作维修
  5. 维修统计
  6. 维修部件
  7. 发动机维修
  8. 维修机库
  9. 维修预算
  10. 分级维修
  11. 维修信号
  12. 维修信息
  13. 维修性
  14. 维修性大纲
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